Home Business Some Home Business Ideas You Can Try During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Some Home Business Ideas You Can Try During Coronavirus (COVID-19)

by Olufisayo
COVID-19 Home Business Ideas

It’s not a good time for business, especially in the startup department. Many brick-and-mortar stores have to close down due to this Coronavirus fiasco, or they are not getting any business due to the reasonable fear of the virus spreading. If you were planning on making your own business, or you have one, you may be putting yours on a halt for now.

With that said, the work from home as a freelancer for serves like ewritingservice.com is booming. The same goes for the business, be it, employee or entrepreneur. The idea of working from home has been rising in popularity in the past few years due to more people having the equipment to work from home, and with COVID-19, that number is going to increase.

Here are some ways you can start a business and make some money during COVID-19 or Coronavirus.

READ: Top 13 Post-Coronavirus Business Ideas to Consider For Guaranteed Profits

Selling A Service You Have

Right now, it’s time to showcase your talents. If you are good at creating and printing fliers, then you may be able to benefit your community who needs them. Those who are talented at writing could use their skills to create content for the Web or their community. Creating art and entertainment at this time can benefit quite a few people as well.

If you have a skill, there’s someone on the Internet who will pay good money for it. It’s important that you don’t sell yourself short, but also make sure your prices are fair.

READ: How To Keep Your Business Alive During Coronavirus Pandemic

Selling Products You’ve Bought in Bulk

This is something you want to be careful with. There have been cases of people buying hand sanitizer and toilet paper in bulk, then getting shut down by the government and turned to the Internet’s worst enemy, and for good reason.

Don’t be predatory. With that said, you can buy products you’ve bought for a deal that aren’t necessities, or you can sell some items that you have already. If you’re a world traveler, buying some goods that you can’t find anywhere else is also a good way to make some money.

Selling Items Around the House

It’s springtime, so decluttering your home can earn you some money and also give you some experience as a seller. One way you can do this is to look around at your items. How much do you have that you no longer need? Can you make a profit off it? If you can, sell it through Craiglist, eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or any other outlet.

Start a Blog

Blogging about your business journey, especially in the middle of the COVID-crisis, maybe a story that people want to hear. Finding your niche is important, and so is doing your research to make sure there’s a market for what you write, but it’s not too oversaturated. Maybe a blog on how to eat right and exercise during this crisis.

Start a blog and see if you can get an audience. Don’t be afraid to collab and guest post on other blogs. Knowing how to grow your blog can soon make it easier to monetize.

This also applies to social media, YouTube, and other sites where you can gain an audience.

READ: Why It’s Important To Use Contact Center Services During Covid-19

Try Some Freelance Gigs Out

While it’s not full-on employment and not a business, one way you can be able to provide services is to participate in the gig economy. Sites like Freelancer, Upwork, Fiverr, and various other places on the Web allow you to look for clients who may need a job done as soon as possible. These gigs can sometimes turn into full-time experiences, and as you grow, you’ll be getting more gigs.

Being an Online Therapist or Counselor

If you have a degree relating to either field, then it’s a good time to be in the business of online therapy and counseling.

There are many websites that allow you to make money by helping others. Not only can you assist with those who are affected by this crisis, but you can make connections along the way. In this time of need, more people will be looking to online therapy for help, and you can join them if you have the skills.

If you don’t have a degree, it is still possible to be a life coach or someone else who sells advice, but don’t say you’re a licensed therapist or counselor.

Also, don’t be afraid to get some help for your own problems, too. We are all having to deal with various issues involving the virus, and if you are mentally or physically stressed, getting some help from a counselor or therapist is important as well.

Recovery is Possible

Right now, we are in uncertain times. Many businesses, especially local ones, are wondering if this is the end. There’s a lot to worry about, but with that said, someone who knows their moves and can take advantage of the work from home market can recover.

Marie-MiguelMarie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health-related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with BetterHelp.com. With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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