Home Marketing How to Promote a Business Using Social Media

How to Promote a Business Using Social Media

by Olufisayo
How to Promote a Business

Promoting a business with something fast-moving like social media can be daunting to a small business owner with very little time for online marketing. Here are some comprehensive social media tips for promoting your business in a fast way.

Identify your Audience

While the usual search engine PPC is driven primarily by keywords, advertising on social media is all about demographics. So you have to make out the customer group according to the demographics of social media websites see if a particular website has the consumer group you are targeting.

You can get info from customers already existing with the use of feedback forms and online surveys. Your capability to serve your customers improves when you know your target group and understand its needs.

Create your Business Profile

You should make it known to your customers that you have put your company profile on social network sites. As already stated, it is important to reach out to the right audience. Never try to turn your business profile into something that can also serve as your personal profile. Yes, you do have to socialize with people on your network but the foremost thing is your business goals.

Give attention to Content

Creating a write-up on what your business is about can be extremely handy for finding fresh leads, getting new referrals, and also converting prospects into your customers. The more unique content that you circulate online via branded destinations and your social media profiles, the more folks will like to share it with their audiences. Canva’s Video Editor online tool is a clever way for you to market your products or services.

Get the Audience Involved

In all of your online marketing communications in social media, you need to be amicable and easy to get to.  Talk with people instead of talking to them. Do this in such a way that it is obvious you want people to take part in the conversation.

Build your Community

The success of your social media online marketing is based on how important you are in your network and how effective people’s response is from the network. You must be prepared to deal with any negative feedback from clients as well so try to be responsible and responsive.

Delaying your response to queries is not good for your image. And remember to prop up your profile regularly to win your target audience.

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

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Jon February 26, 2011 - 9:51 PM

I like how you stated it this way: “talk with people instead of talking at them.” People want to get involved and enjoy chiming in but you have to communicate in a way that fosters that environment.

Also, with social media advertising (esp. FB) you’ll notice that the target marketing you can drill into with their advertising is incredible. Talk about needing to know your target demographic and being rewarded for it!


Edwin March 3, 2011 - 1:48 PM

Thank you for the tips. Social media is a great traffic source if you do it correctly

Ebube Dibie November 20, 2011 - 12:14 AM

Social media could be a great way for small scale enterprises to market their products, but it has its own disadvantages, namely; Small scale enterprises might not have the financial backing to constantly advertise in some of these networks, majority of the users of social network especially in developing countries are between 40 and 13 years of age(users reduce as age goes higher) this rules out the older group, and finally, in underdeveloped/developing countries like ours few people or fewer people patronize or make use of social networks.

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