Home Marketing A Guide to Making Your Marketing Materials Stand Out from the Crowd

A Guide to Making Your Marketing Materials Stand Out from the Crowd

by Olufisayo
marketing materials

If your goal is to make your marketing materials stand out against your competitor’s, you’ll need to work hard. Nobody is going to do all of the work for you: you need to come up with something special that will wow your intended audience. Use the information in this guide to help you:


Design an Eye Catching Flyer

If one of your marketing techniques is flyer dropping, you need to make sure you aren’t wasting your hard earned money and time. You need to be sure that your flyer is eye catching and memorable. Here are just a few things you should include:

  • High quality images.
  • A great title or headline.
  • Key points and information.
  • Benefits
  • Easy to read fonts.
  • Simple content.
  • No mistakes.
  • A quality finish.

In some cases you can make your flyer unique by using a digital print enhancement. This will add interest to your finished design and make people remember it. You want people to be interested by this flyer, not throw it straight in the bin.

marketing materials

Make Your Business Card Unique

Business cards have been around for years, and they are still an important part of marketing. Not only should this card look sleek and well designed, it should show off what you’re capable of too. If you’re an artist or a designer, this is your time to shine! Here are some ideas:

  • Use both sides of your card.
  • Show off your work on your card.
  • Use different shapes and sizes.
  • Try a matte finish.

Whatever you do, make sure your business cards wouldn’t blend in.

Think Up a Catch Phrase

Why not think of a clever, memorable catchphrase that you think sums up your brand? Use words wisely to intrigue people and make them remember you. How would you like them to think of you? Make sure your phrase doesn’t offend or confuse. Brainstorm different words and phrases you like to help.

Give Something Useful Away

Promotional items that are actually useful are always appreciated. If you give away a poster with your face on it, it’ll soon be thrown in the bin. No offence. If you give away branded pens or desk tidies, they may be used regularly. This will make the receiver think of you. Although your face on a poster would make them think of you too, they are unlikely to use it. Desk tidies, pens, and similar items are very useful for everyday tasks.

Use a Little Bait

If you’re at a conference and your materials need to compete with many other businesses, use a little bit of bait. Simply attach a lollipop or another small sweetie to your business card/flyer, and watch them fly off the tables. Whatever you attach your bait to, make sure it’s worth a look once the edible goodie has been consumed.

With these tips, you can be confident that your marketing materials will stand out in a sea of other marketing materials. Refuse to blend in. Make your mark on your industry by using these tips!

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